Fun Facts

Get to know Information about Toolatrix, you never knew!

How long did Toolatrix take?
It took me 1 year, because I also had breaks and many Redesigns within that timespan.
Did you know:
that you can promote yourself for completely free, by adding your own custom Tool or Game?
Toolatrix had another Name
At first, I wanted to name Toolatrix, Matronix. But because of domain Reasons I changed the Name.
Toolatrix was meant to be something else
At first I wanted to create a Social Media app, them decided to make a Social Media Marketing Help app, and at the End, I decided to make it a multi tool/game website. (Between those steps I had many more Ideas)
Toolatrix was coded on a Mobile
Yes, thats right! I coded the whole Website with my Mobile, but not just this. The setups, hosting, domain registration, everything was done on my mobile
I want to contact you. How can I?
The best way would be Telegram. My username is: @ultimate3101